Present Status Of Accountability Among City Corporation’s Officials: A Qualitative Study

Ruhullah Siddiqy

  • Category : Sociology
  • Size : 1921616
  • By : Ruhullah Siddiqy
The success of decentralization highly depends upon the improvement of local government’s accountability. Since, there are various forms of accountability according to various contexts, but in respect to decentralization concept, accountability mainly involves with the relationships between the local governments and the central government as well as with their citizens. Since, problems to accountability in decentralization vary with the practiced forms of decentralization, but there are some momentous reasons of creating problems to local government’s accountability (both upward accountability and downward accountability). Though the decentralization process exists in Bangladesh, the accountability issue is a major challenge for urban development in Bangladesh. Lack of accountability and transparency along with corruption hamper the service delivery of the city corporations of Bangladesh whereas all these are the component of ensuring good governance. If good governance is ensured in City Corporation, citizen will get better services since they are tax payers. In this context, this study will deal with the accountability among city corporation’s officials to ensure good governance. A qualitative study design was deployed as well as used secondary data. Dhaka city (North and South), Rajshahi city and Chittagong cities in Bangladesh were included. In this proposal local development means that one segment of development arena related with four tire Local Government Institution (City Corporation/ Pourosava, Zilla Parishad, Upazilla Parishad and Union Parishad) of Bangladesh , specially this purpose study were carried out the three oldest City Corporation and its related good governance , accountability for its different intra organization and existing others government institutions. For primary or raw data qualitative methods were highly approached. A total of 81 in-depth interview (IDI) and key informant interview (KII) were done. Key Informant Interview (KII) was conducted with government officials and political persons. In-depth Interview (IDI) was conducted with teacher, ward commissioner, household head, businessman, student and NGOs key personal. Non probability sample methods were followed in this study. Totally purposive and convenient sampling approach were applied for chosen study population To collect primary data by face to face informal interview and Qualitative information were collected by in-depth interview (IDI) and KII (Key Informant Interview) with a guideline and checklist were applied. Quality was controlled by different tires of supervision and monitoring. Principle investigator, Co-investigators and field supervisor also were visited frequently in each field as well as quality control manager also was stayed in field. Deployed well trained data collector under the field supervisor. The overall scenario of accountability was satisfactory among the city corporations’ officials. Accountability was found at institutional service at the Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC). They are accountable to the mayor and every staff is responsible for his work. The mayor of City Corporation, ward commissioners and other admin officers are very cordial in providing services to the people and are very much accountable to the authority. Accountability exists fully in the Chittagong City Corporation (CCC). We are disclosing all our activities to the public every year. In many cases, after the project completion, the project workers did not remain accountable. But they should be made accountable even post work period, if any problem arises. There were 18 standing committees to ensure accountability (IDI, 51) in Chittagong City Corporation. There was no internal impediment in DSCC area and woman councilor was less valued. Councilor was not affiliated with any political parties did not get any projects. To establish institutional accountability effective arrangements were undertaken by the DSCC. Recently the Mayor of DSCC has brought the officer in front of the public. Majority of the respondents told that scenario of accountability was good among the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) officer’s. From IDI (11) findings, a team was being worked for implementation and all official continue their duties for jam free as well as there was no adequate place for recreation. There were no visible activities for mosquito eradication and there were no fixed budget. A Family head reported that, “Clean is better than previous days; it is not possible only C.C for jam free because WASA start digging road, cannel any time; there is no change water supply and sewage disposal; there is an only Ramna park for recreation but people go there to take exercise. Mosquito destruction activities are not visible. We do not get service which provide from C.C. they get allotment from ADP and do accordingly…” (DSCC_IDI_01_Family head) Mental health also a priority basis health agenda for the city corporations and its dwellers. But reality was not like that most of the open ground are grabbed by land grabber or constructed by building and industries. Responsibilities of the concern authority for take over the charges. But this services was not congenial to the city dwellers. Respondents were reported following statements regarding the different indicators in a different forms. “There is an Accountability that is People has right to know and speak about problem. But more than city dweller do not about this…” (DSCC_IDI_11_student) As we do not go C.C continuously so it is not possible to know broadly. People has right to know and say something about problem. But there is suspect about how much action it might have done. Various types of project has taken such- short term goal, midterm goal and long term goal (DNCC_IDI_17_teacher). For SED need co-ordination of all work and to ensure the right to express opinion… (DNCC_IDI_15_NGO workers). Environment and user friendly projects which are consistent with environment should be undertaken to develop sustainable environment. There were many challenges to establish accountability among the city corporations’ officials. Such as, there is no internal resistance. Action is taken on the basis of complaint, there is no internal resistance, lack of skill man power, computer experience should be developed, and lack of co-ordination and lack of skill man power, there is no internal hurdle. Main weakness of officials is lacking of training, all employee of C.C is capable and skill. They has personal weakness. CC Camera is installation and monitoring is visible, there were lack of skill man power; Lack of budget allotment; Lack of complete work timely; Lack of good relation among officials; effect of politics; Lack of ICT experience, lack of adequate road and suitable place, there is enough technology for water and sewage disposal, lack of clean worker; there is no suitable place for recreation and lack of co-ordination among other department. During this study it has been observed that there is a problem of institutional cooperation in case of formulating the physical development projects for local areas. There is no established legal mechanism by which communication among public authorities in RCC and CCC is possible to maintain. Considering this issue this study recommends that a coordination board is essential that will be represented with different governments, civil society, and private and community organizations. Therefore this study recommends a genuine effort from citizens, city corporation’s officials and elected representatives should ensure an effective participatory decision to guide the development of the city in a more accountable way.